Tuesday, February 12, 2013

'Riders on the storm.' A nor'easter wallops New England. Its aftermath, Sunday, February 10, 2013. The landscape of our mind changed.

by  Dr. Jeffrey Lant.

Author's program note. Whatever you were doing, whatever you thought important a moment before. Whatever your plans, schemes, intentions, wishes and desires, each alone and all together are trumped by the hauteur of wintry weather... a force of Nature, a creation of God which goes where it would and cavorts as it pleases with no thought whatsoever about us, puny beings consigned to cower on the sidelines by a force pure majesty, unimaginable energy... breathtaking beauty... certain killer... covering all corruption in white, just long enough for us to imagine our world pure and pristine again.

All hail such power... not least because it reminds us of our true place in the Cosmos and how little we count.

For such a time, the music is "Riders on the Storm," recorded in December, 1970. As things turned out, it was Jim Morrison's last recorded song. It entered the Top 100 on 3 July, 1971, the day  Morrison in all his unmatched beauty died, removing a troubled man from this Earth, leaving behind a legend which causes fervent pilgrims to break off stones from his defaced monument in the cemetery Pere Lachaise, his final resting place, where there is still no rest.


Or for us, either.

Portents, Friday afternoon.

Even the fiercest of blizzards begins with a single frail flake, exquisite, poetry from ice, so lovely in its decent from heaven we must stop and wonder. We have seen it before, but no matter how rushed we may be, we pause to see it carry its celestial luster to a habitat which all of a sudden seems dreary without its allure. This is not snow; it is cool alchemy, turning commonplace elements into joy that dances before your eyes, kissed by wind, beckoning you from every responsibility, joy, pure  joy...  thus do even the greatest storms begin, as small bits of magic held in hand, and if you're lucky, captured on tongue, an agile result which no age eschews, even the oldest for whom the subtle taste is a passport to years gone by and people long gone and cherished.

"Blown away".

But, of course, the first snow flake is but the precursor of millions. And so while we scrutinize the first with eagerness and scrupulous attention, we prepare for all the rest, if not expecting the worst, at least readying for it. This time it came, in all its rampant ferocity, voracious, inexorable, inimical to everything in its path, no matter how hallowed or substantial. All of us, each thing, held hostage, no succor handy or soon expected. Thus were we humbled by a thing we had held in our hands just hours before, welcomed and extolled.

"Meterological bomb"

What had happened? Gleeful meteorologists, with too little to do this winter until now, tripped over themselves to educate a public suddenly desirous to know all -- and assess their peril accordingly. Thus we learned every worrisome and anxious aspect of the storm galloping to the very heart of our seaboard civilization, now a target, not just a desirable destination.

The jet stream that flows from west to east, 18,000 feet above the surface of the Earth, has two branches: a polar stream that takes a northerly route and a second, more southerly stream. When those branches converge (which is not infrequent during the winter), snow falls, as the frigid air from the north mingles with the humid air from the south. This winter there was very little of this mingling.

Until Friday.

And then we all became riders on the storm as we raced to the security of homes and families now in the face of threat more precious than ever.  Would we be in time? Thus little by little as we fled prayers were sent aloft; first a handful, then thousands, then hundreds of thousands, heartfelt, sent up from even the least believing, while in the background dead Morrison's incantation became insistent, "Riders on the storm... riders on the storm... riders on the storm." Suddenly the God we usually bury deep in the recesses of our mind, was apparent, puissant and vital... our true shield and bulwark, not just a word we use in vain. "O God, our hope in ages past..."

Just how at risk we were, how right to worry, how right to prepare the statistics tell:

190,000 power outages reported 2,000 utility crews mobilized to respond to power outages 4,000 pieces of snow-clearing equipment on the road 5,000 National Guard members activated 416 flights from Logan Airport canceled... the air now belonging to the dangerous weather, more powerful and more beautiful than ever.

"Killer on the road, yeah."

Then from the Corner Office under Bullfinch's great golden dome came the final indication, if one were needed, that the situation was bad and likely to get worse. His Excellency Governor Patrick, no alarmist, startled the Commonwealth by banning almost all traffic from Massachusetts roads. And so we all found ourselves marooned, cut  off, alone, as the storm grew and excited weather experts found themselves in urgent demand, glad to inform us just how bad things really were and hint at records over the Great Blizzard  of '78, records sure to fall before the impressive matter of our own troubles.

One such fact might truly beguile the Governor, namely that the last governor to apply such bold remedies was Michael Dukakis. No one knows better than Patrick that this predecessor secured the Democratic presidential nomination one year after he ruled the blizzard-stuck state, a sweater-clad executive ruling by media. How awfully clear that picture, that possibility must be to His Current Excellency, perhaps potent enough to obscure the fact Michael Dukakis lost resoundingly. So I remind him this: snow makes head-aches, not presidents.

Close but no cigar.

And then, bit by bit, the whole shebang begins to change. The snow falters. The skies open, light blue beneath dark gray, and Sol Invictus shines through as if Little Orphan Annie, that unquenchable optimist, had finally got her wish...

... best of all those obnoxious weather people, filled with helium, seem to deflate before our eyes. We have survived... the evidence is everywhere. And so I decide to go out early Sunday morning, for I like to see for myself.

The roads are passable, the snow piled efficiently and high, brick sidewalks with a coating of snow; so much better than the dangerous black ice that will come with melting. Crooked paths abound; I see I am no pathfinder though it is early. And I am glad for my legs can be unsteady, and I am too proud to use a cane, though I am wavering.

I carefully walk the two blocks to the Sheraton Commander, where hot buttered toast and storm tales are to be had, the egregious waiter (never condescending to a smile) orders me away from a table for four (for I have newspapers to spread and spill on); saying I must use an inconvenient table for just two. There are just 4 people in the entire restaurant but the waiter is inflexible. It is a sure sign the blizzard and its aura of comrades and fellow travelers is over.

This feeling is reinforced when one of my new neighbors (going away) is forced to pass me (going home) on a trail as narrow as a celery stalk. I stop to let him by and wish him a good morning. He glowers, looks at the ground and rushes on, making sure he never catches my eye. Yes, we are back to normal while the storm named "Nemo" ("no one") blows North into other anxious lives waiting for it now, praying for deliverance.

About the Author

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. Services include home business training, affiliate marketing training, earn-at-home programs, traffic tools, advertising, webcasting, hosting, design, WordPress Blogs and more. Find out why Worldprofit is considered the # 1 online Home Business Training program by getting a free Associate Membership today. Republished with author's permission by Elizabeth English http://LizsWorldprofit.com

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Monday, February 11, 2013

'Don't change a hair for me. Not if you care for me'. Your Extreme Valentine, 2012.

by  Dr. Jeffrey Lant

Author's program note. Men, it's time for your annual Valentine's Day update and reminder. For, as you will recall, Valentine's Day  (along with her dog  Pookie's birthday) is the most important event of her year. If you get it right (or as right as any man can get this minefield) you're in like Flynn for another year; your right to nookie safe and secure for another 365 glorious days.


if you muff this, like you did last year and the year before that, you are in for another prolonged rough patch... and you know very well how rough that will be. To avoid this fate worse than death, extreme measures are required, and these extreme measures must be taken NOW! Men, have I got your full attention? Your Love Doctor is here for you... and OMG, you know you need it.

The Facts.

As we have discussed in prior years (and many of you have attended this critical training year after year, with, sad to say, spotty results) Valentine's Day is a world-wide conspiracy. It first began as the brainchild of a highly paid consultant who was charged with the task of selling a particularly noxious chocolate with a vile, disgusting taste... That didn't bother the consultant at all; it was the kind of challenge he lived for.

Even the fact that the chocolatier couldn't pay him even a token amount up front didn't bother our fearless consultant one iota. He still inked a contract that said he'd receive 25% of the gross on all new business stimulated by his best ideas. In other words, he would (in the best macho consultant tradition) forgo certain (albeit lower) payment in return for a whopping share of the gross... and so long as he could move the obnoxious chocolate that everybody loathed.... he'd be a big winner.

Frankly, the folks at the chocolate company (who pretty much loathed their product, too, and banned it from the company candy machine) thought they'd made the perfect deal. After all, they got the consultant to work for them for free... and gave away revenues that didn't exist, would probably never exist. But before claiming a huge write-off and throwing the offending chocs in the garbage, they needed -- so their accountant said -- to gve it the Good Ol' College Try.

His name was Valentine...

Now our audacious consultant sat down to business, and because he was a very clever fellow, the ideas flowed fast and furious. Thus after just a few days, the consultant was ready to see the CEO and present the all-important concept. As it turned out not only was this meeting important for the chocolate company; it was a crucial turning point in the relations of all men with their women... it thereby launched a movement creating millions of jobs and huge corporate profits worldwide.

The consultant's name was Valentinos Kariotes... known as Val... and he is the man who set the high standards for Valentine's Day...

Yes, it is because of this single man and his insight that the conjugal rights and ecstasies of millions of hapless guys are put at risk every single friggin' year, to be reaffirmed by shelling out for chocolate, making ever richer the corporate smarty pants who dreamed up this baby.

Down to business.

Val, a straight talking, no nonsense, "let's stick to business" kind of guy got right to the point. To sell the  chocs everyone acknowledged as disgusting, they'd have to have a bigger idea, something huge, clever, larger than life.... here Val paused.... because he knew that his next words would not only sell chocolates nobody could abide, but get men by the millions to line up in front of the company's packed stores to plunk down big bucks for a product they despised.

Before stating what would become his abiding claim to fame, Val paused, looked around the room, the better to get their attention and keep the memory of this supreme moment forever green in his mind. Then he said

"To sell chocolates you must get women to tell men that the purchase of these chocolates and the size of the box will be construed by every gal on earth as an indication of how ardently they are desired, loved, and wanted. In short, the target for their advertising campaign would not be the men who would actually buy the chocolates... but the women who would 'motivate' them to do so, in EVERY way at their command. Yes, in EVERY way."

Val then unveiled his first ad, a classic soon destined for the Advertising Hall of Fame. It went like this:

"The size of the box", it read, "indicates how much he loves you."

The image showed two boxes of chocolate. The five-pound box had a big black X through it. The 20-pound box was circled in a bright, bright red heart with exclamation point.

Just awesome!

Val's incredible idea at last gave women what they have always wanted, for thousands of years: a way to know, to measure, even weigh just how much their menfolk REALLY love them; the proof to be as easy to acquire as the simple purchase of chocolates.

"Brilliant" was the least of it.

In the lives of each of us, there come but a handful of moments of transcendence, moments of destiny, moments you are surpassingly glad to be alive. Our man Val knew such a moment this day... and as the astonished executives surged around him with their most ardent congratulations, they knew it, too. And immediately increased the box size and weight of their obnoxious product... for they knew at once that Val, their boy, was a genius. And so unanimously voted to create a day named for him -- St. Valentine's Day -- a day worth billions to love capitalists worldwide. It was the least they could do

And so Val got filthy rich.

Every time a woman got a two-pound box of chocs from her beloved, she knew that the donor was dead meat, a cheap, two-timin' low-life... who had then to go out and at once to get the 20 pound box... thereby passing the loved test... and making Val richer and richer still. Eureka!

Of course, other companies watched this phenomenon, this cornucopia of riches with the closest conceivable attention; Val ensured they did, for in due course, he made sweet deals with florists, pastry companies, every diamond purveyor in the land... always with the same awesome results.

Which is why you'll live today like a cat on a hot tin roof, spending good money you don't have to appease the little woman who controls your life. Be sure, too, to sing "My Funny Valentine" the right way, the feminist way, with the words about you, not her, for women have always hated this tune and its cock-eyed sentiment.

Thus, "my looks are laughable, unphotographable...." because that's what she wants you to say, just after she's looked at the size of the box.

(You'll find the inimitable "My Funny Valentine", released 1940, in any search engine; music by Richard Rodgers, lyrics by Lorenz Hart. I prefer the original version -- and the original words -- by Frank Sinatra.)

About the Author

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. Services include home business training, affiliate marketing training, earn-at-home programs, traffic tools, advertising, webcasting, hosting, design, WordPress Blogs and more. Find out why Worldprofit is considered the # 1 online Home Business Training program by getting a free Associate Membership today Republished with author's permission by Elizabeth English http://LizsWorldprofit.com

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Thursday, February 7, 2013

Marketing Online Success

In order to achieve the highest level of marketing online success, you need a few basics. These "tools" will make it possible for you to make money and build a real business online. It isn't a high cost, but it will take some time to find all the tools you need and to learn the skills.

I sometimes fear that I sound like a broken record, but I truly do hate to see people work hard only to fail because they simply don't know what to do or are being misled by others who are only trying to make money.

So in order to ensure your own marketing online success, please heed the tips I'm about to give you. I have been doing this for many years and I know what I'm talking about. Most of this information I learned the hard way - by making the very mistakes I'm trying to get you to avoid.

Here is what you need to do:

1. Get an education. It doesn't have to be at your local college, there are many training resources available right online for minimal cost. Also, since these online courses can be accessed any time of the day or night, it is easier for working adults to find the time to complete them. You don't have to accommodate someone else's schedule.

Many of these courses can be completed in just a few weeks, and you may be able to actually start making some money while you are going through the course.

Whatever options you choose just make sure you get educated on how the various parts of marketing online fit together.

2. Check your delusion at the door. Hype seems to be rampant online and if you really want to have any success, you must get, and keep, your expectations in line. If you believe the hype, you will waste a lot of time and money chasing some new "sure thing" after another.

To be honest, that is exactly what I did. I was so convinced that my success would happen virtually overnight that when it didn't I thought I was just doing the wrong thing. It never occurred to me, in the early days at least, that it wasn't what I was doing that was the problem it was my unrealistic expectations that was causing me so  much trouble.

Once I accepted that building a business online would require time and attention from me and I started investing those things in my business I started having success.

3. Be consistent in your time. Even if you can only put a few hours a week to working on your business, you can make it work just as long as you invest that few hours a week every single week.

Of course, the more time you can put into building your business the sooner you may be able to start earning consistent money, but even with small amounts of time you can still build a business as long as you do it on a consistent basis.

Marketing online success hinges on these things. Follow them and you will greatly increase your odds of success.

Elizabeth English is the Owner of http://LizsWorldprofit.com Check us out anytime for marketing tips and a free subscription to our cutting edge newsletter.

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Monday, February 4, 2013

She's got the power! The lady with success tied around her little finger... Meet Linda Elze... force of nature, lovable champ, an example to us all. Worldprofit Sales Person of the Year, 2012.

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant.

Author's program note. I am about to do you the biggest favor of your life. For right here, right now I am going to introduce you to a svelte California grandmother named Linda Elze... and I can assure you it's a contact you will cherish, the way so many all over this grand world already do.

Linda Elze! (Pronounced "El Zee").

Say it out loud.

Roll these two words on your tongue.

Say them as often as necessary until they are engrained in your brain... because she's about to become one of the most important people in your entire life and that's a fact.

To put you in the mood for what's coming, go to any search engine and call up a tune that turns the timid into tigers; wimps into winners; the cowering and terminally cautious into champs with attitude and energy to burn. I'm talking about the pulsating number called "The Power".

It's an electronic pop hit by the German music group Snap! from their January 1990 album "World Power". It's not a tune for sissies, and if you're the kind of person who's prone to throwing in the towel whenever the smallest obstacle intrudes, you'd better scram now because this tune, like Ms. Elzee herself, is raw energy and not for quitters, whatever the "reason". Capisce?


Thousands and thousands in debt. "Oh yeah, gettin' kinda heavy."

One fine day several years ago, Linda arrived at Worldprofit's Live Business Center at worldprofit.com. She was depressed, despondent, dazed and all but bleeding to death. She wanted to make money online, was willing to invest, was keen to work and work hard but so far her endeavors had generated nothing but anger, frustration, and a whole lot of unladylike verbiage. Linda was at the end of her tether, thousands and thousands in debt, good money thrown after bad. She was about to become one of the legion of also-rans whose bleached bones litter the Internet. It was not a pretty picture, and the prognosis was worse.

But then the lady got lucky...

She got an invitation to visit that interactive gem of the Internet, Worldprofit's Live Business Center, a place where generous experts donate their time 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to help people like Linda -- and you. When you enter, without waiting even a minute, you find the kind of mature, helpful, informed, good-natured folks your mother told you make the best friends and why didn't you bring a couple of them home after school, she'd like to meet them?

"Don't need the police to try to save them."

As her name was called out -- "Hi, Linda!" -- she felt -- right then -- that she'd come home. "They had me at 'hello' ", as she likes to say. And she meant it just as thousands of others have.

She joined that day, within the first hour she knew of this oh so special place... that reached out with technology made easy (per chief  technical officer George Kosch); ongoing instruction in how to create, develop, market, promote and maintain an online home-based business (also per George Kosch)... prompt, friendly, understandable answers (per director of website development Sandi Hunter) to the queries which inevitably pop up to even experienced marketers and need immediate attention. And over 1.5 million formatted words by that "lyrical Jesse James" (that would be me) ready for blogs, ebooks, videos and more.  It was Christmas, Valentine's Day and your birthday all rolled up together and presented on a solid silver plate engraved just for you.

Part-time to full-time."Quality. I possess something. I'm fresh."

Like so many Worldprofit members, Linda kept her day job while she mastered the ins-and-outs of online marketing. She played it cool; doing her home work, attending George  Kosch's supremely practical, do-able, and precise step-by-step training sessions which were both live and recorded.

She was champing at the bit to go full-time, especially after the money started rolling in; (just days after she joined and which she used to polish off that multi-K monkey on her back)... but took our advice: "Slow and steady wins the race." She's a smart lady, listened and moved ahead -- always ahead -- one certain step at a time. In short order she was a full-time online marketer, home-based, her favorite television programs crackling in the background as she soon exceeded the income from her old J.O.B., and that was just the beginning, for her objective was as infinite as the Internet itself.

"Maniac, brainiac, winning the game".

In quick-step time, by following a proven cash-producing system developed and perfected over nearly 20 years online and available in the Home Business Bootcamp, Linda Elze jumped up the ladder of success; first by mastering the basics. Then by implementing them EVERY SINGLE DAY. Her unyielding mantra went like this:

On sunny days, promote. On days that aren't, promote. On days you're hungry, promote. On days you're not, promote. On days you feel like it, promote. On days you don't, promote.

Get the picture? Promote every single day without fail. Never permit yourself the license or luxury to forego this absolutely essential activity.

By following George Kosch's system, for the improvement of which she made excellent suggestions from time to time, her goals were achieved with speed and efficiency.

Item: She made back the thousands in previously lost money. She had assumed such a loss was permanent, but Worldprofit's tested system returned the funds, an unexpected moment of pure joy.

Item: She was able to quit the J(ust) O(ver) B(roke) and work her ever burgeoning online business full time, with substantially improved financial returns. Her always cheerful disposition showed just how happy she was, how well she was doing.

Item: The business she built so well, so thoroughly, so happily produced not just funds for her but a substantial legacy for her family and that gave her peace of mind.

"I've got the power!"

Today Linda Elze stands before the world as testament to what happens when you are willing to invest in yourself, follow a proven system, and work within a life enhancing community where all work for themselves and each other.

On every level, in every way, on every day Linda has shown us what is possible when a great system, a great work ethic, and a great heart are united...

Envoi. Words from your CEO on behalf of the three Co-Founders of Worldprofit and all the Members.

Friend Linda. Here you are again in the Winner's Circle, as you have been so very many times before. You, who so avoid the lime light, are enduring it again... Not for yourself but because you know that people worldwide need to hear your inspiring story, need to know what you did and how you transformed long-standing defeat into continual victory. They need to know... so that they, too, can do. And for this we thank you as we thank you for the privilege of traveling this information highway with you.

Thus, on behalf of the three partners and Co-Founders of Worldprofit, Inc., George Kosch, Sandi Hunter, and me; and for all your many friends, colleagues, dealers and well wishers, I name you Worldprofit Sales Person of the Year, 2012. What will you do now? I know.

After having graciously accepted our words, kind, well-meant, honest, you will go back to your work and touch the lives of people worldwide who, not yet knowing you and what you can do, will soon know better and thank you for being you, the lady we know, the lady we respect, the lady who long ago won our hearts and admiration.

 About the Author

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. Services include home business training, affiliate marketing training, earn-at-home programs, traffic tools, advertising, webcasting, hosting, design, WordPress Blogs and more. Find out why Worldprofit is considered the # 1 online Home Business Training program by getting a free Associate Membership today. Republished with author's permission by Elizabeth English http://LizsWorldprofit.com

->Check out Syndication Rockstar ->  http://www.LizsWorldprofit.com/?rd=mr7LdU2O